Sunday, July 29, 2012

I was late for SONA

x dress from bazaar
x white crochet blazer from mom's closet
x necklace from Quirkypedia

It's been a long time since I had an outfit post. Pardon as I don't have much time doing that this past couple of days. I just feel tired without doing anything. haha! A very lame reason I know.
By the way, this is what I wore in the office, can't remember the exact day though. I was having a second thought wearing it because of our dress code. I'm thinking they might say that the front part was not knee length. :( But, I made myself brave enough to wear it and conquer the memo for the sake of fashion. Hahaha! Oh! If you're wondering, no they didn't give me any memos at all, maybe they were blown away by the dress. haha! When I was in the office, one of the boss said that I looked like I am attending President Pnoy's State of the Nation Address which happened  day or two before I wore this so then the title of this post. Haha! 
I just felt a little bit of being boho when I top it off with the white crochet blazer and put a belt on it to tuck it in one place. Have you notice the necklace? Haha. This was the first outfit post I made with a necklace on. If you've read my previous blog, you'll find out why. 
I was inspired by Cheyser of TWR with this not-so-boho-outfit. Looking to post more of it within the next couple of days. :) Hope you like it. 

<3 TheFashionAddict


  1. Your blog is really great,i would like us to follow each other, i already followed you-i can see i'm your first follower,if you feel like you can do the same. I wish you a wonderful day!

    1. Hi Jardelle, Thank you for visiting my blog and Oh! for following me as well. Thank you dear for being my first ever follower. Hehe, I am so touched. I will definitely do the same. Thanks for reading. :)


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Mommy Jen